512-660-9290 jkb@co3cattle.com

Ranch Raised

Our beef cattle are on the pasture at all times…

Multi-Pasture Ranch

Grazing, Shade & Fresh Water

The cattle in our clean beef program are ranch raised and our cattle are on the pasture at all times. We have a multi-pasture ranch with native grasses as well as wheat, oats, and rye grass seasonally.  The cattle have more than enough room to graze, and each pasture has plenty of shade, fresh water provided, and at least one creek or pond for access.

Co3 Cattle Company - Blanco, TX

Quality Beef Cows

Primarily Grass & Hay Diet

Our cattle enjoy primarily a grass and hay diet, supplemented with a specifically formulated feed providing all the protein, vitamins, and nutrients to be healthy and excel to be a quality beef cow.

Co3 Cattle Company - Blanco, TX

Drugs & Hormones

Carefully Monitored Health

Our cattle never consume or are administered growth hormones, antibiotics, or steroids. We carefully monitor their health and only treat with topical worm and fly medications as needed. The only injections they receive are initial vaccinations at the time of weaning. That is necessary for the health of every calf. Our beef also does not contain any preservatives before packaging.